1 Peter 2

Lent Midweek 2: 8 March Anno Domini 2023

Fr Jay Watson, SSP

In The Name + of Jesus


   Mal, or malum, is Latin for bad or evil. If you were not, in your sinful nature, full of malice, and all guile (sneakiness) and hypocrisies, the blessed Apostle Saint Peter would not be telling you “lay” all of this aside. Repent. Or, “stop it!”  These sins from your “old Adam” hearts manifest themselves as Peter says as “envies and evil speakings.”

   Lent is long, or, seems long. It is the longest Church Season to be sure. So even as you faithfully try to fast more, pray more, and give more alms ($) for the advance of the Gospel and the aid of the miserable, you still envy and gossip and fight against the Lord. You put Glory ahead of the Cross, or at least comfort, lifestyle, and your way of doing things ahead of God’s desires for you—His works He has set before you. And Saint Peter knows all about this. He was once told “get behind me Satan” when he selfishly suggested Jesus not go to Calvary’s Cross.

   In times past you were not Jesus’ brothers and sisters; you were not children of the heavenly Father.

   All sin in Adam’s fall. All mankind is dead in trespasses and an enemy of The Holy prior to conversion. All are wandering with the rebels Korah, Dathan, Abiram, and all the other traitor Israelites in the desert of Lenten unbelief. Unbelief and sin make a person just a person—a solitary, solo, individual. You want autonomy and self-actualization? That is what one has in hell. But the Hebrews obtained mercy, Moses obtained mercy, and you have obtained mercy. Not the emotion but the very Body and Blood of God suffering and dying. “Who His own Self bare [y]our sins in His Body on the tree.” and rising again on your behalf! You were as rebellious sheep going astray but you were found by The Good Shepherd. You hear his voice, and now you do follow him. [even on a Thursday night in March].

   So yes, be with Moses, hear the Law, know that for now, you too, our pilgrims and strangers in this Lenten wilderness. And though you DO NOT abstain from fleshly lusts as you should—as you must; and though you do not always submit to the ordinances (laws) of man and God as commanded; Christ has left you an example. Christ IS The example.

   And no, you do not become “saved” by diligently and obediently following His example. You are saved by Him being The Savior. This Bishop healed you by His stripes. The “stripes” you think are inflicted upon you for punishment—are not. The trials and desert setbacks are simply the wind, the dust in your eyes, the parched thirst, and the heat of the journey. But you are being carried the whole way by Him and The Holy Spirit.

   You sin daily—He did no sin.

   You do not guard your tongues—He had no guile found in His mouth.

   You suffer and complain—He suffered patiently committing Himself to The Father.

   Well, it is Lent. The desert is the desert. Saint Peter bids you to be gathered around the warmth of the heart—not the fire burning on the altar of the Tabernacle, but the Word present and animating (giving life) from the altar of The Sacrament. As newborn babes desiring the sincere milk of The Word, eat and drink this evening. Taste The Lord’s Grace (forgiveness for you).

   You eat protein and muscles are built. You drink fresh pure water and your body’s skin is more clear and the interior more clean.

    You drink from The Rock Christ Jesus and you become living stones; precious lively stones, but stones—plural—no single pebble but a spiritual house, and holy priesthood. The priesthood is not a group of posturing wannabe lay pastors but rather The Holy Church itself.

    You are that chosen generation that peculiar people.

    You have indeed offered your spiritual sacrifices this evening by confessing your sins and receiving absolution; by singing His praises; Hearing His Apostle Saint Peter; confessing The Faith in The Creed; and believing on Him!

    THIS is Sion in Lententide 2023! Your sins have been crushed by the stone of stumbling, as our all pagan and damned, BUT, you elect precious have been mortared in, plastered in, adopted in, to the Chief Corner Stone—The Head of The Corner—Christ Crucified!

    I call you now with Saint Peter out of the darkness of the desert into His marvellous Light!

In the Name of the Father and + of the Son and of The Holy Ghost



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