Saint Matthew 8: 1-13

3rd Sunday after The Epiphany: 22 January Anno Domini 2023

Fr Jay Watson, SSP

In The Name + of Jesus



   “When He was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed Him.”  The same Lord was on the top of Mount Sinai when He gave to Moses The Law. Those are God’s Commandments which you do not keep. The same Lord was on the “mount” when He spoke the “Beatitudes,” which are His “attitudes,” i.e., His own characteristics and qualities which He gives and bestows on all His own—on you.  That is The Christ. He is the “anointed One” Who comes to anoint you with the balm, the “spikenard,” the olive oil of mercy and forgiveness for all your commandment breaking. But that anointing, that refreshing drink and cleansing bath is given in Holy + Baptism and at the Communion rail. It does forgive you, but it also heals you and restores your flesh. You don’t get a “magical” medical miracle of instant relief, but rather a “deposit” and guarantee—a pledge—of everlasting health and salvation.

   First the encounter with a leper. The result: “…and immediately his leprosy was cleansed.” If that was the point that Christ wanted Saint Matthew to leave you with—ONLY—than you could well be justified that you and your loved ones who follow Jesus have not had YOUR leprosies (whatever they be) cleansed immediately or even after chemo, radiation, medicines, surgeries, and rehab programs. If the miracle was the only message, you’ve been short-changed.

   Second the encounter with the centurion. The result: “…and his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.” That too is incredibly fast and wonderful, but this Jesus is not a medical show for the hopeful, nor a faith-healing fundamentalist tent-show for the gullible or synergist.

   You don’t have to do “your best” and believe really, really, REALLY, hard to get the rewards of God. Your best isn’t good enough. Your best apart from Christ—Who He is and What He has put into the equation (everything)…your best is as filthy rags. Your fervent and intense “faith” is A GIFT. Who takes credit for a gift?

   These healings recounted by the evangelist are pure Gospel—Good News—to leper, centurion (centurion’s servant) and everyone of you gathered here this morning because they are Grace, Jesus is Grace, Jesus is LIFE enfleshed Who always comes down from the mountain to touch His sheep; to Speak The Word/His Word/He The Word made flesh to His sheep.

   This pericope is also a beautiful primer on prayer.

Every human being has wants and needs. Everybody needs mercy and help and love and home and peace.

The leper doesn’t even specifically ask to be cleansed but rather FIRST worships Jesus (falling down and prostrating himself at the Lord’s feet) then just speaks truth: “…Lord, if Thou wilt, (if you want to), Thou canst make me clean.”  The understatement of that man’s life. The leper asked for Jesus to be Jesus. That is the gift of faith—GRACE.  The leper’s prayer and faith didn’t get him what he needed, Jesus did. Christ put forth His hand, and touched Him.  You had that done at the Holy + Font. You have that done to your forehead when you come to Private Confession and Jesus Absolution! And while your leprosy doesn’t vanish, your “soon-to-be” glorified flesh is readied for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.

   To be sure the centurion was a man of incredible faith. He trusts that Christ could do what Christ could do was indomitable. But note again, he does not pray or petition in dictating terms. The centurion doesn’t ask for anything specifically but just lets The Lord know the situation. He beseeched Jesus broadly saying “my servant lieth at home sick…grievously tormented.” He is satisfied if Jesus is Jesus; if Jesus does…well, whatever He’s going to do or not do. Christ volunteers to come to the place of the sick servant but the centurion says that that action is not needed. He knows Jesus can speak the word only and the servant will be healed. The centurion understands authority, “chain-of-command,” and ultimately WHO this rabbi from Nazareth really is; yes, the Messias, but also yes, God.  The Lord marvels over this faith—which TOO is but a gift Christ has already bestowed upon the centurion by The Holy Ghost.

   Palsied victims can’t stand and move and live life as God originally intended for them, for you, for all. But when Jesus comes again in Glory—soon, very soon—you will all spring up from the grave with lithesome limbs of Life eternal, and leap like harts, and roes, and stags saved by Savior Jesus.

    Patience dear Saint. Hold on. The sadness and suffering are but a moment; the leprosy and palsy are almost over. Hang on by letting The Spirit hang you on—by The Word—to He Who is The Word.

   It’s all about Jesus. He has the authority. His authority is to save. His authority and power is to give you comfort and confidence to soldier on.

   “When He was come down from the mountain.” All this healing of spirit, soul, heart, and mind now, and body hereafter, is because He first went up the mountain; the hillock called Calvaria and Kranioum, the “place of a skull.”

   The Cross of Christ, filled, not empty, filled with the “fullness of the Godhead, bodily,” heals leprosy, palsy, and all of your hurts—all!

   “Now is the judgment of this world; now shall the prince of this world (Satan) be cast out. And I…lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me” [Jn. 12. 32-32].

   He has done + so. He does so.

   “And you are healed in [this] selfsame hour.”

In the Name of the Father and + of the Son and of The Holy Ghost



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