Saint John 16: 16-23

Jubilate: 3 May Anno Domini 2020

Fr Jay Watson, SSP

In The Name + of Jesus

Three times, how beautiful and felicitous is the mystery of The Holy Trinity your God, three times Christ says: “a little while, and ye shall not see Me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see Me.” He was speaking to the Disciples before His crucifixion and resurrection. But His words mean more than the fact that when He died on Good Friday, they did not see Him again, alive, until Easter Sunday. Though, it does mean that. And again, it also is a short-term prophecy to His followers that they would not see Him at time during the Holy 40 Days of Eastertide, but then again, would see Him when He willed it. Thus, the Evangelist St. Luke writes: “unto the apostles whom he had chosen to whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God” [Acts 1. 2-3].

But you know, you believe, teach, and confess, that is, you live your Christian life, in the reality that none of this, none of this Bible stuff, is an old history lesson, but rather is your reality—your daily encounter with the immanent and transcendent God/Man. The section from the Psalter that is today’s Introit expresses your confession: “Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands. Sing forth the honor of His + Name…” You don’t show joy for past history—though you remember it, study it, and believe it. To truly sing the honor of His Name you believe that His Name—Adonai—I AM—Savior—Emmanuel—Jesus is not just a name but a reality, a Presence. Not a symbolic presence but a Present, Flesh and Blood, Actual Presence. God for you.

I submit that The Word of The Lord endures forever. Not because “I” so submit but because The Word Itself says so. The Word of The Lord—as His Name—simply IS. Christ IS.

God reaches outside of Himself to create and to sanctify. He made you. He re-made you in righteousness once again, after the fall, by The Righteousness of Himself in His only-begotten Son, Jesus. Jesus’ work of filial (Son-ship) obedience and sacrificial submission to suffering and death is why you SEE HIM this morning. He always sees you. One would think that that would alone be enough to curb your daily trespasses. The total surveillance state that your insect overlords wish to entrap and enslave you with is demonic. But the eye of God which sees your downsitting and your uprising, to which the day and the night are both clear in His sight (Ps. 139) is simply the love of The Father for His dear children; the Love of The Good Shepherd for His beloved flock. And yet the fact that you know that He sees and hears all that you do, say, and think you still sin—all the time. How ungrateful and of “little faith” we all are.

Like the “12” you too are confused and don’t understand, i.e. believe in Jesus as you should. Why is that. Do you not hear and study and hold fast to His Scriptures? Do you not crave the nourishment of His Sacrament?  No, not really.  You do however weep and lament, but usually over the wrong things. This world is travail and sorrow. The devil has tricked you with Renaissance and Enlightenment lies. The beast has beguiled you with science (fake science), medicine, technology, consumer goods, and all sorts of infernal mammon. From tubes to transistors, to chips, to micro-processors, your world has actually gotten smaller, colder, and more like the prison that Satan wants you living in. And you look around and you don’t see God. Where are you looking? What do you expect to see?

The Jews demand a sign. Do you? Are you looking to see Jesus in your health, longevity, children? Are you looking for the glorious Kingdom of God in Kingdom of the World things? Do you expect or demand that God is your butler and personal secretary? The Greeks look to wisdom…to philosophy. Do you? Are you spending more time in fawning over the so-called wisdom of the “experts” rather than accepting Jesus where He has anchored Himself to be received by you?

Jesus has placed you into His Church where you stand with all the Prophets, Apostles, Evangelists, Bishops, Fathers, and Martyrs. With Saint Paul the Spirit is given unto you and you confess Christ Crucified. You confess that yes, Jesus is hidden from the eyes. Jesus is hidden from the glare and spotlight of 1st century miracles and signs. Jesus does not perform tricks like a trained dog.

God is still Emmanuel to be sure. But God comes to you only in the “little whiles” which He has now chosen. The “little while” when you read His Words and pray His Words—most beautifully in His Psalms. The “little while” when you remember your Holy + Baptisms and receive His + Sacrament of Absolution at the hands of His appointed ones. The “little while” when you come to His altar to receive Him in His precious Body and most holy Blood.

Only then will your sorrow leave and you will rejoice IN The Lord. You will ask nothing for you will have received everything.

In the Name of the Father and + of the Son and of The Holy Ghost



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