Saint Matthew 25: 1-13

Last Sunday: 24 November Anno Domini 2019

Father Jay Watson SSP

In The Name + of Jesus

Last week sheep and goats. This week, the last week, it’s ten virgins. The former although more abstract, after all we are people and flock animals are wild creatures, at least makes sense visually. Sheep do grow up to be more docile and passive while goats are actually used as symbols of paganism and even Satanism. But virgins?  Yes. Because that is what your God makes of you and all those who have been + baptized. “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.”  You were “virginized” at the Holy + Font: “that he might sanctify and cleanse…with the washing of water by the word, that he might present …to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” [Eph. 5. 26-28]

So when Matthew records The Lord’s words “Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins,” he is making it clear that Jesus is primarily talking about the visible church in this world and not the entire earth’s population. The Kingdom of Grace is the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, here and now—whether the here and now was 30 A.D., 1530, or 2019. At all times she will be comprised of the fullness of those men and women that have been elected, called, and gathered through the waters of + rebirth. Ten is a number symbolic of completeness. But ten is also the number of the Law. The Law kills. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. There is a time appointed for all men to die. But, The Lord desires all ten virgins to meet the Bridegroom, Christ Jesus, at the final and eternal wedding banquet of heavenly glory. Paul writes: “…in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the Truth.” [1 Ti. 2.3-4]

The part of Christ’s simile which you do not like, much less fully understand, is why five are called foolish and five called wise?  Well, they’re denominated that way because it’s true. Why are five not permitted into The Feast, i.e. Heaven, but rather are consigned to outer darkness, i.e. hell?  It’s just NOT FAIR your “old Adams” whine. Ah.  Old Adam. Sinful, rejecting, prideful, ego-driven, back-sliding, rebellious, and traitorous Old Adam.  Fair? Since Adam ate the forbidden fruit nothing has been fair. Since you sinned this morning nothing is fair. As all demons will burn at the judgment, so too, all rebellious men should also go to hell…THAT would be fair and just. But God will have none of that but rather takes His only begotten Son to be your substitute for justice and restitution. Look at The Crucifix. Do you think that was fair?  No. But it was merciful, true, loving beyond words, and good—good for you. Good for all Ten Virgins.

The mechanics of 1st century Palestinian oil lamps aside, we need not overly complicate Jesus’ words or the meaning thereof.  Whether one is baptized by The Holy Ghost at the age of 8 days, or is brought to faith as a small grade-school child, college student, or aging adult, one must repent and believe as Saint John the Baptist preached, as Jesus preached, and as His pastors continue to preach. One must believe. One must have faith when one dies—not in themselves—not as a worked up, heroic, struggling, prayerful discipline—but simply a “hanging on tightly” and a trusting in Jesus. One must persevere to the end in letting Jesus be Savior.  And that itself is NOT a work but a gift of The Spirit! Kyrie Eleison to the end. In his first letter to Saint Timothy the Apostle exhorts “fight the good fight,” but in his second and final epistle to Timothy, Paul confesses what Jesus has completed in this dying man’s sinful body: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” [2 Ti. 4.7] This done all by the power of The Holy Ghost—through The Word, by God’s Grace and free favor; through Christ Crucified who loved you first and has taken hold of you.  This is wisdom. Jesus for you and also Jesus in you. This is The Wisdom of having your lamps full of oil and trimmed so that the light and life of The Son of God burns in your Holy Temples. 

When those five foolish virgins found they had no oil (no faith, no Jesus) when they most needed it is a warning to you.  You are admonished that it’s not what you once were, or once had, that will be the deciding factor at the end of time, or more probably at the end of your earthly lives, but rather what you currently have and must always have, trust in your dear Lord Jesus’ love and mercy towards you. Belief, no matter how weak at times, how struggling, flickering, or put upon, but belief in Jesus’ keeping of the 10 Laws for you and in Jesus’ suffering and dying on the cross for your sins is the entrance into the Heavenly Nuptial Hall. The Key is Jesus—Who Himself is the lamp unto your feet and the light unto your path…and The Way, itself!

Fear not, though it appears the Bridegroom is tarrying. Hear the Word, the precious oil of Light “Your sins are forgiven;” “you are loved.” Trace your true family + Name upon your breast and trust the Water that poured from Your Savior’s Innocent and Immaculate Breast, just for you…to believe in, but also to drink deeply from. Come to The Wedding Feast here and now at this altar and rail where He opens the door of His very Body and Blood, and trust, KNOW, that He will do the same when He comes again in Glory. 

In the Name of the Father and + of the Son and of The Holy Ghost



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