Saint Matthew 9: 1-8

19th Sunday after Trinity: 7 October Anno Domini 2018

Father Jay Watson SSP

In The Name + of Jesus

God controls nature and is everywhere. God does not come to save you and be with you everywhere. God’s people may have knowledge and understanding of Him at home, work, play; driving, shopping, eating, and studying, but God only comes to you in a ship.  That ship is His Church. His Church is where God chose to tabernacle with you in His Word.  Jesus is present—really present in His Word.  Christ’s “own city” was Nazareth…but it was also Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Actually, The Lord’s “own city” was any and all places that He is—not in memory or thought but in His voice: His Word, and in His Body and Blood.  His city is Athens, Rome, Caracas, Beijing, Shawnee, Kansas, and even, even Washington D.C. (its name is “Legion”)

Palsy is the result of sin.  The man Saint Matthew writes about did not have palsy because he sinned “a sin,” although individual and daily sins do produce horrible aftermaths, effects, and consequences. If you drink to excess you will have cirrhosis of the liver.  If you are sexually promiscuous you will end up with STDs, venereal diseases, and broken marriages. The list goes on. But no, not a broken commandment here and a failed commandment there, but rather the man had palsy simply because he was a sinner.  The sickness, all sicknesses, your sicknesses, as horrible as they are, are but the symptoms of the underlying cause. Man is a sinner.  The original stain of Adam’s fall is written into your genetic DNA code.  At the cellular level—the spiritual sub-universe—you are sinner, you are dying, you are dust to dust.

Jesus could have simply walked up to the man and healed him. Jesus would have no doubt put His own immaculate though thoroughly flesh and blood hands on the sick man, and, instant healing. The Lord could have simply spoken, or nodded towards him, or whatever.  And yes, Christ could, theoretically, no… metaphysically and ontologically certainly, heal you, or anyone you know, as well.  But the wages of sin is death.   A wounded soldier can have a hole sewn up and then still be sent over the trench wall into withering machine-gun fire that will kill him. The prisoner on death row can receive anti-migraine medication or oxygen for emphysema and get executed.  Healing a palsy, a leper, a mute, or a cripple doesn’t mean squat if sin is un-realized, un-confessed, and unforgiven!  The man knew and felt, every day, His sin.  His sin radiated from and throughout his diseased, weakened, and dying body.  Good…good in the sense that the man no longer looked to himself for help but to God.  Christ speaks: “they that are whole have no need of The Physician, but they that are sick,” and then Christ goes on to explain He doesn’t really mean the symptomology of failing body organs and cells “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” [Mk. 2.17b]

In the scheme of man, and his place in God’s universe, it is at times very easy to say “arise and walk.”  Medical science produces hearing aids, leg braces, cataract surgery, heart transplants, and anti-viral AIDS fighting chemical cocktails.  But Jesus came not to be Sloan-Kettering or Mayo to the Nth degree. Jesus is no Walgreens or CVC.  The Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost, i.e. those who are otherwise damned to hell because of their sins, but more so because of their SIN.

Jesus is here, then in the year 31 AD, or so, and here now, for the same and only reason, to be your Savior. Jesus saves you from your sins, your trespasses, from your sinful Old Adam SINFUL self. Life and Salvation flow from the forgiveness of sins.  The Righteousness of God is found only in The Righteous One, not you, The Righteous God/Man who righteously, rightly, obeyed the Law, and Who righteously, rightly, suffered and died for the law-breaking.  Jesus is not a mere temporary M.D. but the crucified everlasting A.D.—Anno Domini—the 8th Day forever King and God. The fullness of eternal, perfect, glorified, Heavenly health will come at the Second Advent, at the resurrection of your bodies from the tomb.  Augsburg is not a hospital—you won’t get “better” here. I am not a physician—I won’t cure your arthritis or Parkinson’s.  This is a heavenly hospice where we all learn how to, and prepare to, die In Christ; daily by confession, and finally, with His forgiveness in our ears and His Body and Blood on our tongues.

So, while your itching ears and puffed up egos may desire more “spiritual” shock and awe, more interesting exegetical and historical tidbits and profound observations from homily and Worship Service, the Mass doesn’t change because the Word doesn’t change.  The Gottesdienst, “God’s Service,” doesn’t change because The Christ doesn’t change. His saving work on Calvary may be over but the delivery of His saving work, His Person and Work, never changes. It is here now because Jesus is here now to forgive your sins and sin.

The Lord’s message to Matthew and the other 11 remains His message to all His pastors: “Peace be unto you; as My Father hath sent Me, even so send I you; receive ye The Holy Ghost; whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.” [Jn. 20. 21-23]

Depart to your own homes and families today marveling and glorifying God, Who has given such power to men through the Presence of The Son of Man in His saving Word of Holy Absolution.

I forgive you all your sins:

In the Name of the Father and + of the Son and of The Holy Ghost



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