Saint Matthew 25: 1-13

Last Sunday: 25 November Anno Domini 2018

Father Jay Watson SSP

In The Name + of Jesus

Is God really requiring an intimate knowledge of the inner workings of 1st century oil lamps, pre-wedding ceremonies, and the rigorous works of nascent-Arminians, to illustrate the salvation of sinful man.  Is that what Christ’s parable boils down to?    No.

The good news is that those being forgiven is that the guilty don’t have to earn their forgiveness. The good news is that those who are imprisoned and being tortured by guilt and shame don’t have to work for their release. The good news is that those who are suffering horribly and slowly dying in disease and misery don’t have to “will,” “desire,” and “just have strong enough faith,” to be healed and restored. The good news is that the lost don’t have to find anything and that the baby doesn’t have to decide it wants to be adopted and saved.

All 10 virgins died.  All men die.  There is no one that does good, no not one.

The point of being saved is that the saved person gets to be with his/her savior in peace and joy. The point of being redeemed is that the bought-back slave gets to be free with his/her liberator in love and fullness. The point of being resurrected from the dead is that the regenerate gets to leap like a hart in exuberant Hallelujahs with all tears wiped away. The point of being forgiven is that one is brought, carried, ushered, escorted in to the wedding feast to be the honored guest, royal priest, and brother and sister of The King of Eternity.

This salvation is the Kingdom of Heaven. This rescue and restoration is The King Christ Jesus. Your completion is your consummation with your Groom. For have you not heard that the “two shall become one flesh?”  The “world” did not send for The Son, but rather The Father so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.  The rib did not choose or plan or learn about oil lamps and proper amounts of fuel in reserve, but rather God caused a great sleep to fall upon Adam and God made Eve out of Adam’s side. The ever-Virgin would never have selected a husband and a family, but rather The Lord sent His angel Gabriel to announce to her, HER selection and her receptivity to be the chosen vessel of Immanuel.  And so too the five “wise” virgins—who typologically represent every one of you and all of the Church throughout time and space—the five wise virgins did not work, reason, or “faith,” their way into the nuptial hall. They were brought in by the decision, predestination, and sacrificial work of The Lord.  He said and says “I know the thoughts that I think toward you…thoughts of peace.”  Those thoughts became actions of obedience, doing, holding, completing, honoring, and fulfilling ALL the Law—all The Prophets.  Those thoughts became the passive obedience of suffering and dying the most ignominious and shameful of deaths. Peace through rivers of blood that flow into fonts and chalices.

Peace is Jesus.  That Peace, is The Way, The Truth, and The Life.  That Peace proclaimed by the Angels to the Judean shepherds was and is found in The Christ’s precious and pure Body and Blood. That Peace which pass-eth all understanding is The Sacrament of The Altar—“The Peace of The Lord be with you alway!”  

So while The Lord’s parabolic words do show the end of all things, as well as what happens to those who reject Him—and THAT IS EXACTLY why the five “so-called” foolish virgins are shut out of the Kingdom—THEY rejected God The King and God The Groom’s Grace…the Good News is that you who wear your Baptismal + Wedding garments have on this day an actual and true Feast of Family, Forgiveness, and Fortitude to fight to the end.  The Day is surely drawing near.  Wake, awake for night is flying.

Brought into the Wedding Feast at God’s table—Augsburg’s Altar which is Christ’s Altar—you repent and believe, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

In the Name of the Father and + of the Son and of The Holy Ghost



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