Saint Matthew 6: 16-21

Ash Wednesday: 14 February Anno Domini 2018

Father Jay Watson SSP

In The Name + of Jesus

“Moreover when ye fast.” You do fast. You fast because you are a follower of Christ.  As one He came to obey for you are “in Him” because He is in you. As one He suffered and died for, you are “in Him” because He is in you.

If you are not sinner than you have no Jesus. You are not to be a sinner, but, due to your falleness, that is what you will remain until His reappearing…the final Easter banquet at the end of time.

As a sinner you cry unto God most High.  You cry because your sin hurts you and hurts others, and, it hurt Jesus very very much.  In Holy Spirit given faith and sanctification, you know this, i.e. you believe this, and, your hurting Jesus, causes you to cry unto God most High. You repent. You are contrite over the calamities you’ve caused for others and over the wounds you’ve received because of sin.

But you will fast as wrongly as you do any so called “good deed” of love.  You are imperfect, and that’s being kind, and thus all your righteous deeds are as filthy rags: “Thus spake The Lord.” [Is. 64.6]

So, don’t be a hypocrite. That’s Law, but, it’s still true, and Jesus’ command.  Don’t be a pietist with your sense of entitlement and “self-worth” stuck up your spiritual butt.  Don’t be a long-in-the-face, Grant Wood looking puritan, showing others how Holy you are.  Just fast.  Just repent of your trespasses and pray the Holy Spirit to strengthen you that you might with Paul, keep “fighting the good fight,” “running the race,” “beating down the ‘old Adam’” and persevering in “the shadow of Jesus’ wings, [your] refuge until these calamities be overpast.”

Overpast or pass-over.  For Christ is your Passover. Jesus is your Paschal Lamb.  “You can cry unto God that performeth all things for you,” because He is “for you.”

The Lord does not hate you. He made you. He fasted for you. He fasted from sin for you and then let His own Body and Blood be given and shed for you. He forgives you all your sins because you are penitent.  You don’t feel penitent, you rarely act penitent, (and that too is a sin) but “in Him” you are given all of Jesus.  His punishment for the things that He didn’t do and wasn’t responsible for, are your imputed acts of penitence—your Righteousness in His passion, in His Lenten obedience.

And, per your own confession of The Faith, your own Confirmation Vows of making the Small Catechism your profession, your “normed norm:” “Who then receives such Sacrament worthily? Fasting and bodily preparation are indeed a fine outward training; but he is truly worthy and well prepared who has faith in these words, ‘Given and shed for you for the remission of sins.’” 

Christ is your treasure. Christ’s Word is your treasure. Christ’s Supper is your treasure. Your heart is there where His heart is present—His Body and Blood for you—your forgiveness and peace.

When ye fast---

In the Name of the Father and + of the Son and of The Holy Ghost



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