Saint Matthew 15: 21-28

Reminiscere: 21 February Anno Domini 2016

Father Jay Watson SSP

In The Name + of Jesus

Yes of course Satan would vex people, would vex you, with his demons just for spite, for cussedness, and for the pure evil motive of hatred.  But this ancient foe, this liar from the beginning, vexes people for the ultimate purpose of keeping them away from God, and thus having them damn themselves.


You may not have needed an exorcist for an exorcism but you have needed The Christ of God for your redemption.  And, actually, you do need an exorcist and have needed one, and will continue to need one, if you are a Christian—a member of The Lord’s Catholic Church which is everywhere with His Evangel of loosing and liberation, and homecoming restoration!


Lutherans, Christians, believe that Messiah gave His authority and power to the “12” and to their successors.  If that isn’t ones confession they should leave the parishes of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession and become Gideon’s, Baptists, or non-denominational free-agents.  But the danger in doing that, is, that there is no true church without the Holy Office of the Ministry, BECAUSE it is Jesus’ own Office, part of His sending of The Holy Ghost until His own visible return.


Unless one has put Einstein’s theoretical possibilities into actual practice and can travel back to Judea in the year 30…they, you, won’t be having any contact with Jesus when, not if, you’re grievously vexed…UNLESS…He comes to you as He came to her.  He does.


“Then Jesus went thence.”  Christ goes and rescues.  Christ goes and finds the lost sheep.  Christ sows the seed by preaching, teaching, loosing, and feeding: then and now!


She was a gentile, a non-Jew.  No connection to Abraham by blood but total connection to Abraham by faith in the promise of God…the Blood of The Lamb.  Jesus had no money so she was not asking for a hand-out.  She prayed to Christ with confession, repentance, and trust in His goodness—His Godness!  “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Thou Son David.” 


Mercy is only for the miserable—the lost, hurting, dying—the captives, the undesirables, and the refuse.  All men are vexed by devils for all men sin and sin is of Satan.  All men need Christ the exorcist to drive out the serpent and implant the Lamb.


You weep in tears, in heartache, over death of loved ones, physical and emotional trauma, and a host of other bitter fruit of a decaying sinful world.  Satan laughs at your misfortune and pain and urges you to apostate, repudiate, and curse The Lord.  Satan cajoles you with every devil at his disposal to revert to your pre-Baptismal status as possessed!


Jesus comes to your coasts and beholds not another Canaanite “woman” but a sister, a Bride. 


There will be many allies of the devils who will seek to drive you away for not being the “correct” “this or that,” for not relying on your own programs, discipline, or inner-mystic-revelations.  These false apostles will be embarrassed and angry that you cry out and rely on Christ Crucified and Him alone: “Then came she and worshipped Him…saying, ‘Lord help me,’ and “Truth, Lord, yet the dogs eat of the crumbs, which fall from their masters’ table.”  She knew where the food was!


To be healed is to be free from Satan’s jail and to be protected and defended from his grievous vexations. 


Will you still suffer demonic assault? Most definitely, daily, the expected combat and trials of a Royal Priest and sibling of The King; a badge of honor and a red-mark of your status: SAVED and worthy to bear the cruciform!  The Word feeds you The Word.  “One little Word shall fell him!”  The Angel feeds you angels’ food that purges out devil’s cake—Turkish delight—forbidden fruit.


Jesus is with you in His word of release and peace—in healing that preserves you to the end.


Great is His faith! Great is His Bread—The Body of Christ that makes you whole from THIS very hour!

In the Name of The Father and of + The Son and of The Holy Ghost



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