Saint Matthew 11: 2-10

Gaudete: 11 December Anno Domini 2016

Father Jay Watson SSP

In The Name + of Jesus

How did John hear about “the works of Christ” if he was in prison? How does anyone hear about Jesus unless some messenger shares the news? It seems clear that, maybe, the last two stragglers of John were bringing him updates on all that the Nazarene was saying and doing. The Lord had been teaching “as one with authority, and not as the Scribes,” and healing all those brought to Him, and preaching that the Kingdom of God was in the midst of the large crowds that gathered around Him, and was saying: “repent and believe!”

How did the two know where to go? How does anyone searching for The Truth know where to go? How do any of you know which congregation you should be attending on the Lord’s Day?

First of all, it must be stated clearly that there is a difference between spirituality and religion. Spiritualty is a made-up, hoodoo-voodoo self-justifying excuse to do what you want, indulge in what you want, and be where you want—especially on Sunday morning. Let’s see how spiritual the Buddhists and New Age goofballs are when they’re in Hades.  Religion is Jesus. Religion, true religion, is both the teaching of Jesus, doctrine, and the gifts of Jesus, His presence in distributing His Word and Sacraments. Religion is the church, Jesus’ One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.  No Church, no religion; no Church, no Jesus. No Jesus, no forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation.  As New Testament Christians are only Christians if they’re in Church, where Christ is “for them,” so too John the Baptist was telling his friends to be with Jesus where Jesus was, and not with men, not with a man, any man no matter how important he had been.

Your pastor will never be as important as John in the Kingdom’s history, and most certainly no other man will be as integral to the salvation narrative, for the Baptist truly was, as God stated: “the greatest of men.” [v.11]  But even John’s worth was not in himself but only in the Holy Ghost’s use of him. John pointed his finger at Jesus had preached pure undiluted Gospel: “behold the Lamb of God that taketh the sin of the world.”  Yes the blind were receiving their sight again at the Word of Jesus, and at His physical touch. Yes, the cripples were having their legs healed, the deaf were having their ears opened, lepers were being cleansed and Jairus’ daughter, the widow of Nain’s son, and Lazarus were raised from the dead.  These great acts which John wanted the two men to understand, which God the Holy Spirit wants you to understand, were and are proof that the Second Adam is also God of God, the Messiah, the God/Man.  Jesus isn’t just a mighty prophet, a “God speaker” like Isaiah, Jeremiah, or John himself, Jesus is God, the Word made flesh—Emmanuel!  All of Christ’s physical healings were precursors, previews, of the great resurrection of all flesh at the final Advent.  Jesus greatest miracle in this text, is the one which He still does today, this very morning: “…and the poor have the gospel preached to them.”

The Gospel is that very thing that offends people, and that even offends the old man in you. The Gospel is the Cross, or better yet, the Blood covered Person hanging on the Cross. The Gospel is the HOW God forgives you and restores you to Himself. The Gospel is not so much WHO Jesus is—The Lion of Judah, but what that Lion, God of God, does—He suffers and dies on the Cross for you sins. John’s Gospel is The Gospel: “behold the Lamb of God.”  That lamb is the “Agnus Dei” the Paschal Lamb. This is why the greatest Gospel is the Mass, wherein the very Lamb is eaten and drunk for your forgiveness, life, and salvation.  That is it!  That is offensive because there’s no bragging rights involved. The young newborn does not brag when its mother puts its squealing hungry mouth on her breast and feeds it. The eight-day old baby does not brag when its parents and God-parents carry it to the font and it is re-birthed in faith and adopted. No dirty beggar who has been selected to be a guest seated at the high table brags and pats himself on the back when fed immortality.

Listen to John and you’ll be listening to The Spirit—God the 3rd person. You confessed in the Creed that God “spake by the prophets” and John was “more than a prophet” he was Jesus’ own messenger, His own apostle, His own angel…preparing Messiah’s Way by preaching The Word. John at the river Jordan: “I must decrease while He must increase” utters the perfect template for every pastor, and for every true congregation. John imprisoned that Christ be always free, unfettered, and broadcast on all soils to all peoples. If your parish does not follow this example it is not of Christ. 

Look not for earthly wealth or sectarian “growth.” Beauty and adornment of our temple, if it comes freely by the Gospel’s gifts producing generosity and sharing of bounty is good, but we need never strive for “soft clothing.”  Your dress is the white robe of your Baptismal death to sin, dripping red blood in Christ’s absolving merit.

A messenger today stands before your face. He gives you Christ Crucified: “your blindness of unbelief, and now doubt, has been cured—you see with your ears of faith—The Light of Life. Your deafness and has been unplugged by the scarlet fingertips of He Who had His wrists nailed to wood, and you hear His voice say ‘I absolve you.’ You’ve had your leprosy washed in His font and you are resurrected from satanic death in His own resurrection which will now be placed on your tongue.”

Behold the Lamb of God, Who taketh away the sin of the world.

In the Name of The Father and of + The Son and of The Holy Ghost



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