Behold, The Bridegroom Cometh

Saint Matthew 25: 1-13

Last Sunday: 23 November Anno Domini 2014

Father Jay Watson SSP

In The Name + of Jesus

Ten is the number of virgins that Jesus speaks of in His picture of the End Times. Ten being the number of the Commandments is fitting to illustrate the futility of being saved by the Law.  For while the Groom, God the Lord Christ, tarried, they all slumbered and slept. That is, no one keeps the Law and thus no one has life through the stone tablets which only kill.  All will slumber, that is, die.  And even those who are physically alive when the Trumpet sounds are dead in their trespasses.

The Kingdom of Heaven is Jesus.  In this context it is first His Kingdom of power which applies to all men of all times. In the beginning was the Word…all things were made by Him.  Jesus is Creator of the entire human race…all men.  As Adam was made of virgin mud, pure and undefiled, all men following the fall are born whores to sin, death and the power of the devil.  Our Lord’s point is that all ten, the race of men, are all without a Saving Spouse and are alone by themselves, unfulfilled and incomplete. Rather than obsess over all the detailed meanings of 1st century oil lamps, fuel reservoirs, wicks, and oil merchants and the hours of their operation, suffice it to say the Lord’s point is “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.”

Repent that your human nature is not virginal as God desires. You are not the loving help-mate, the good and faithful companion that He originally created to be His very own.  Repent of the harlotries which you have committed against your King and Lord—your adulteries against the 1st Table.  Beat your breast in contrition over your foul deeds done in the darkness of your heart against the 2nd Table as well.

The entire world is condemned by prostituting its original Grace and betrothal for the snake pimp of perdition. But though the number 10 doesn’t save or make clean, the number One does…He Who is One, and Three, the Blessed Trinity—The King and His Kingdom Who is present for you in The Son, The God/Man Christ Jesus!

The Lord is Lord but He is also Groom. He is the true mate and completion of His One Bride the Church.  As Saint Mary is the new Eve in a typological fashion, so too Our Lady of Nazareth is the “type” of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.  She said by God’s Grace “behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to Thy Word” and she was overshadowed by the Holy Ghost and filled with the Second Person—a lamp brimming with oil Who was The Light of the world. You are all the collective Bride—the Handmaid of The Lord.  Collectively, or as community, but not some weird Borg-like Communistic slave situation, you are part of the Wedding of Eucharistic Joy and Peace.  The Groom is coming back not to Judge you and condemn you.  He already Judged you innocent and forgiven when He was condemned to suffer and die in your place. By His stripes your wounds are healed. By His Blood your desert thirst is slacked. By His Body your starving stomach is fed.   By His flesh you are covered with His purity.  Jesus is the One and True Virgin King and His spotless and immaculate Works cover you and christen you not just as His brethren but as His Virgin Bride.

You have oil in your vessels because Jesus has come to you and filled you.  Jesus Who is Life has been poured into you by The Holy Ghost in your Baptisms and in your Absolutions. Jesus the oil of joy has anointed you far better than Aaron was anointed and far better than Samuel anointed King David. Jesus the pure balm of Gilead, the spikenard of your Salvation anoints you in The Word and in The Word Made Flesh—Body and Blood. 

You will have your lamps “trimmed” from time to time in this vail of tears, the old-Adam must daily be put to death, but there will always be enough fuel for lighting your way to the Nuptial Hall because Jesus is your fuel, He is your faith, He is your food.

You are ready. Come in with Him to the marriage.

In the Name of The Father and of + The Son and of The Holy Ghost



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