Saint Matthew 25. 1-13

Last Sunday: 20 November Anno Domini 2011

Fr. Jay Watson SSP

In the Name + Jesus

Ten virgins make you think of the number ten. You hang your head when you realize that the Ten Commandments are not kept in your daily life. Ten is also a number of completeness and totality. The entire world and all persons are loved by God. The Lord's act of atoning sacrifice is universal and for all.

The five "foolish" virgins represent all who reject the Christ and follow their own black impulses into outer darkness. The five without oil in their lamps are the pagans and unbelievers.

You are in the group represented by the five "wise" virgins. You are not wise of yourselves. You too are sinful and unclean. Your core and old-Adam heart is as foul and black as the foolish virgins. And, like the heathen, you too have been given your own lamp. All are born of flesh and have the lamp, the container-their bodies and souls. All have "First Article" gifts. The unrighteous as well as all of you, have eyes, ears, fields, cattle, wives and children. The rain falls on those who reject the Lord as well as on those whom He has saved!

Brother and sisters-YOU have oil in your lamps. Your faith does not save you, Jesus saves you. You have faith-a burning lamp-only because Jesus is the oil. Jesus is the doer, the provider, that which IS FOR YOU a light-THE Light and Life. You have living and over-flowing Jesus. His merits and blessings fill you by God's Grace. You believe the Word-that's how you are filled. The Holy Spirit has filled you up with the Word of God-Jesus Christ Himself, and you are burning bright with the fuel of the Word!

Five is also the number of the Pentateuch, the Books of Moses. And, though called the "Law," is also in the broader sense the full TORAH of God-the full counsel of the Lord containing both damning Commandments and abundant MERCY and FORGIVENESS for Christ's sake. The Good News which saturates Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy also drenches you with Messiah!

Your lamps, your bodies AND souls, were filled with Christ at the font + which never runs out. Daily you remember your washing of regeneration and you shine with His light and presence.

The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom speaks the Holy Spirit through the mouth and pen of the Psalmist. The bright transfigured awe-inducing fire of the Holy Trinity does not consume you because HE comes to you not in power and consumption but in the still-small Word of the God/Man Jesus. Your Lord is your beloved Groom. He Who is your Groom of Grace is also your Husband of Holiness. He forgives you and He gives you strength through proclamation and supper.

All of the "Ten" slumber. All are cursed by the fall and slumber with the fatigue of sickness, pain, sadness, set-back, feebleness and tears. All of the "Ten" sleep. All will die for the wages of sin is death. You as the five "Wise" will die for the same reason as the foolish atheists-sin. But you deaths are temporary and are wrapped in Jesus' own robes of Resurrection Righteousness. There is, of course, more than enough of the Holy Spirit, Christ, Grace, and Word when one is living…but not after death. After death there is no filling up of an empty lamp. The fool who spends an entire life spitting Jesus out of his mouth will not be force-fed against self-chosen devilish determination at death. And yes, hell is a real place. Not everyone who says "Lord Lord" is going to be admitted into the nuptial hall for the everlasting banquet; but you will be…you ARE…why, you are once again this morning at the Wedding Rehearsal and the wedding-party banquet!

The Groom comes suddenly. The end comes "like a thief in the night." You are ready, waiting and prepared because He has done it. You are kept alert, chaste, pure and green by being IN CHRIST and by having Jesus in you. The Word has given you remission of your sins and life. The Word is His own five bloody wounds from the tree. The Word is His Jerusalem Cross-the four Evangelists going to the north, south, east and west, from the center Crucifix of the Suffering Servant God/Man. The Word's gifts are seen and represented by the Virgin Mary who typifies and images the Virgin Church Catholic, of which you are part and parcel of.

The "foolish five" are dry and dead bones; brittle and sapless branches breaking of in the desert winds of Satan. But you are wet in His Water Word + and His Blood Word and His Preached Word. You are white, virginal and incorrupt because He is, and the twain shall become one flesh.

You run the race and fight the fight; you persevere and endure to the end because Christ is in you and making you spotless and Holy through the Word. Well done my good and faithful servant. Peace to you. You are all children of light, children of the day. The day of the Lord has arrived. Wake, awake for night is flying. The New Jerusalem from above is here right now. No more shall be heard in It the sound of weeping and the cry of distress. The Groom is here! It is time for the Holy Mass!

You, with all the heavens adore Him. You and angels sing before Him. With harp and cymbals clearest tone, of one pearl each shining portal, you dwell with the choir immortal. Gather round His radiant throne. No vision has ever brought and no ear has ever heard such great glory. You sing eternally hymns and praise to Him.

In the Name of The Father and + of The Son and of The Holy Ghost