Saint John 3. 1-15

THE FEAST OF THE HOLY TRINITY: 19 June Anno Domini 2011

Fr Watson S.S.P.

In the Name of The Father + and of The Son and of The Holy Ghost

And there were a group of "Augsburgers" (and all others reading), named: [insert your name here], struggling followers of the Evangelical Lutheran Symbols (a correct exposition of Scripture). But they too, far too often came to Jesus only by night. That is, they only thought about the First Table of the Law when they were in trouble, needed something, were sick or were frightened. They only thought about their fellow man when there was something "in it" for them.

You don't trust Christ's mercy as you should. You put other things above His pure and clear doctrine: status, reputation, life-style, position, family, vocation, knowledge, and issues of "ownership." You almost always put yourselves above your neighbor-letting nationalism, faux patriotism, partisanship, politics, power, and lust for order & affirmation "trump" your love for the lepers and undesirables; the loathsome and different. You permit the speakers of hate and discord to convince you that it's okay to hate your enemies, when you should be praying for them, talking with them, engaging and loving them!

"I (1st) will judge you, O house of Israel…REPENT…and turn yourselves from all your transgressions… and make you a new heart (2nd) and a new Spirit (3rd)" [Ezekiel 28. 30-31]

The unbeliever will be judged and condemned by the Law as will the unrepentant sinner.

But here again the Good News-the Lord saves you! "I (Father) make you a new heart (Son) and a + new Spirit (Holy Ghost)!" God loves you and wishes only for your good: "I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth saith the Lord" [Ezekiel 28. 32]

Let go of your "Nicodemian" desire to manage and control God. You simply can't know the Trinity as Adam did pre-fall. You see through a glass darkly. "For who hath known the mind of the Lord or who hath been His counselor?" [Ezekiel 28.33]

HEAR and receive the Trinity Gospel! Jesus (2nd) says to you "except you be born of the Holy Ghost (3rd) you cannot see the Father (1st), i.e. the Kingdom of God!"

Only Trinitarian are saved for only the True Christ of God (Jesus the God/Man) sends you the Helper!

Nicodemus did not understand the mystery, the sacrament of faith. But even worse, Nicodemus clumsily questioned the God/Man right in front of him. Nicodemus let his reason follow Martha (being busy) rather than Mary (listening in worship).

You do not understand the way your "old Adam" craves and thus you question, quibble and seek to diagram stuff rather than fill your hearts in true and faithful feasting on the Christ!

"The Faith," the blessed Redeemer, is not in text-books, lectures, or even Bible Classes per se. The "presence of Christ for you" is in the Mass, the Liturgy (the WORD) where He comes to you and serves you forgiveness of sins, life and salvation! Rubrics and piety are the Holy Spirited created non-verbal confessions of "The Faith" as much as the verbal recitation of the Trinitarian Creed of Nicea.

YOU BELIEVE, you don't analyze!

YOU RECEIVE, you don't cogitate and pontificate!

HEAR and receive the Trinity Gospel!

But you are born of water AND OF THE + SPIRIT-you are BAPTIZED! You are born from the ever-virgin Holy womb of the Church without any cooperation on your part; born immaculate and Christ-White by the Lord (1st) and Giver (3rd) of Life (2nd).

The Norm which norms (the Bible) says through He Who is the Way: "The Wind (3rd) bloweth where it listeth." The Norm which is normed (the Augustana Art. 5) echoes: "The Holy Ghost (3rd) produces faith, where and when it pleases God (1st), in those who hear the Gospel (2nd)."

The Symbol is as Trinitarian in Sacred Mystery and Grace as that which it confesses is it not?

There must be, and always is, a SPEAKER (1) and a HEARER (2) and a MESSAGE (3), which is good! There is a Groom and a spotless Bride and the LOVE which flows between them. The Nuptial vow, promise and lasting love of your Lord are perfect and bring Peace. The Gospel is the Holy Seed is it not?

Nicodemus said: "how can these things be?" Doubt will question which is better than outright rejection to be sure. But you are not called to doubt but to grasp, guard and cherish! Nicodemus' "how?" eerily brings to mind "If it is you Lord," and "did God really say?"

Your own attempts to master and circumscribe the ineffable and divine, the Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent One in Three must be drowned. You believe because it has been given and worked IN YOU!

You don't "hold-forth" with Messiah in sophistic dialogue but rather are bathed, and fed, and forgiven with bended knee, bowed head, turned heart, and spoken fiat: "Be it unto me as [T]hou hast spoken!"

The answer is not knowledge but The One who "knows" you. The answer is not found in Moses; not in the Law; not in the obedience of your doing; not in your attempted goodness. The answer is given out freely by Grace through Faith. The answer is THE ANSWER-He Who is the Truth.

When Saint Moses (the incomplete prophet, priest and king) pointed to the Brazen Serpent on the uplifted pole, he pointed to your Trinitarian Prophet, Priest and King Jesus. And that twisted brass snake lifted high foreshadowed the Savior who would be "made sin" for you, taking all of the evil foes condemnations, as well as all your trespasses to the true pole, the Blessed Holy Cross of Calvary. Jesus daubed in bloody forehead and bloody hands-your Passover of everlasting Peace!

Trinity Sunday IS Christ Crucified for your forgiveness and heavenly guarantee.

"For of Him (1st) and through Him (2nd), and to Him (3rd); to Whom be glory forever amen"

In the Name of The Father and + of The Son and of The Holy Ghost