Saint Luke 5. 1-11

Fifth Sunday after Trinity: 4 July Anno Domini 2010

Fr Watson SSP

In the Name + of Jesus

The word "multitude" is, of course, somewhat relative. A multitude pressing around the Lord's Christ in the year 29 A.D. might not be the kind of multitude one would see at Kaufman Stadium.

But sports are entertaining and diverting…not important in the scheme of anything much less the "grand scheme." The Word of God is a life and death matter. The word of God is an eternally status changing matter. The Word of God drew that multitude around the Nazarene Rabbi that day at the Sea.

The crowd was there to see some miracles? Yes, there were people there who no doubt were curious thrill seekers. The crowd was there hoping to see some of their loved ones (maybe themselves) cured from some sickness? Yes, there were followers who desired this phenomenal Teacher to heal them with God's blessings; there were some who thought He was from God (close) and surely spoke as One with authority (yes!).

But Saint Luke correctly tells you they pressed about Him to "hear the word of God." It is the teaching, preaching, proclaiming, restoring, loving, explaining, forgiving words of Jesus, spoken by Jesus, spoken by Jesus' "sent ones" that draws the people that the Spirit wants drawn.

But the words of the Word made Flesh are…all about the Flesh of the Word. Jesus' words are not about success, worldly empowerment, democratic federalism, middle-America value enhancement, re-conquering the Holy Land of Palestine, or ushering in an age of comfort and Western "freedoms." The Words of the Lord are about His Flesh.

By that I mean, the content of Scripture is about Grace enfleshed. That is why the generic concept of Grace (even the correct phrase: Salvation by Grace through Faith in Christ [alone]) isn't enough if it's just left to dangle out in the aether as an amorphous, abstract truism.

The only Grace that matters is Christ Crucified for your sin. The Jesus that saves is the Jesus of this Word (hold up Bible)! The Jesus that saves is the Flesh and Blood of the God/Man that lived, breathed, walked, talked, and obeyed all 10 of those Laws that you broke this past week, this very morning. The Jesus that gives you His Grace is the Flesh and Blood of the God/Man that was betrayed, abandoned, tied-up, beaten up, stripped, scourged, spit-on, lead away as a common criminal, nailed to wood, hung out to asphyxiate, go into shock, and die, and then be buried in a tomb; all things which should by all JUSTICE and FAIRNESS and RIGHT, be done to everyone of you. The Grace of God (not your works) that matters is the Bodily, Real, and Present Flesh and Blood of Jesus in your midst at this place for you, for you, for you!

That is the only bait. That is what, for lack of a more appropriate pericopal word this morning, "catches" fish.

Jesus' fishing adventure with Saints Andrew, John, James and Peter has little to do with sea food and everything to do with Heavenly Bread and Royal Priests gathered around the Family Table.

His Presence drew the fish the same way His Presence draws His lambs! The Lord made the fish, and if He wills for them to miraculously swarm the nets of Peter's boat, at the wrong time of day, after they have not been in the vicinity, then… they will! The Word produces the catch!

The Word produces the harvest. The Word makes + siblings of the Savior. The Word forgives you your trespasses…really and truly takes them away to a non-space, non-spot, black hole, where they are no more! The Word is placed on your tongue; His Body and Blood, forgives, nourishes and strengthens you to life everlasting.

The signs and wonders at the sea shore of Gennesaret pale in comparison to the signs and wonders at the shore of Heaven itself, here today, at Augsburg. You are in a Boat too with the Fisherman Rabbi. This ark of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church will never sink! Its mast is His Crucifix. The wind is favorable as it His Spirit of Truth.

You have already bowed low with Peter in solemn confession of your sinful state and His Precious Divine State. You have already genuflected during the Credo in remembrance of His awesome and ever enduring Incarnation-the Second Person taking on Body and Blood from the Virgin to be like you forever, save for sin.

The words from the Word are now the same also: "Do not be afraid."

Do not be afraid dear children. When you are in Him, in Christ, in God; when He is in you, tabernacling in your very earthly tents, how can you fear anything?

We launch out into the deep and follow Him. Is this an adventure, a trial, a voyage under the ravages of the Cross that dwarfs the setbacks of Odysseus? Yes, yes, and yes, but that's what sea-faring fishers do. "Do not be afraid" for you follow Him Who has destroyed fear, and Who gives you Faith for the fishing.

In the Name of The Father and of + The Son and of The Holy Ghost