Saint Luke 14. 16-24

The Second Sunday after Trinity: 21 June Anno Domini 2009

Fr Watson

In the Name + of Jesus

One supposes "freedom of choice" has its benefits. It should be okay for you to choose to wear a green shirt rather than a red one. If you desire to own a Chevy rather than a Ford no one should gainsay your individual decision.

In all manners and matters beneath you, that is, not pertaining to the Lord's direct Will and Grace, you do have free will and abundant choices to be made. What will I eat for breakfast, which route will I take to the bank, do I wish to ask Pam or Linda out on a date, and so on.

In those realities which pertain to God, you do not have free choice to become part of His Royal Family. In all decisions which relate to faith in the Blessed Trinity the choice has been taken out of your dirty and selfish hands. Thank God. This is Grace.

But God's way is not yours. His ways are beyond searching out. His way is the WAY made flesh. This WAY is narrow when you would have chosen wide. This WAY is one of suffering when you would have elected one of ease. The WAY is TRUTH. Many times you opt for the half-truth, the "white lie" and the false but fulfilling. The WAY is LIGHT. How many times this past week have you done things in darkness thinking if no one else knew what you did, or thought, or said, that it would all be…okay?

The way of the Lord's Grace is only through the God/Man Christ Jesus. Jesus' way is always the way of the cross.

Your "old man" not only prefers to select "glory" rather than suffering when it comes to your daily experience but also when it comes to your object of worship. You opt for success not spittle. You would select a champion adorned with a bit of bravado not blood.

We are all Pharisees when we point the condemning figure at others and fail to see the plank in our own eyes. There is no need to "beat up on," or feel superior to the three condemned men in Our Lord's parable. But for His unmerited love and rescue we would be in their same lost condition.

God gave Adam and Eve life and fed them with a cornucopia of perfect foods with perfect tastes. In sinful rebellion they chose to eat their own red porridge of pride. The same God refused to let this be the end of His love for His children. He sent His only Son to win them back from their own suicide. God doesn't just want creatures inhabiting the ground He made; He wants children eating and laughing and singing with Him at His great table of delights-a true family meal.

He gave Manna and quail to the Israelites. He fed Moses on Sinai for 40 days with His Word alone. He likewise sent Ravens to feed Elijah.

Even as the Christ multiplied fish and loaves to feed a group of 5,000, the Lord also a given a "great supper and invited many." "God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son." You dear Saints have been invited from before all eternity for you were predestined to this meal IN CHRIST. His way of Grace, of giving you sonship and life eternal, is by using His Son, His Word, His words, and His Body and Blood. This is His WAY, The Way, the only Way. And even if you grumble from time to time like the Hebrews sick of Manna; even if you chafe under His Fatherly discipline and chastisement; He will not forsake you. Repent of your pride and stubborn self-will. Turn and submit as children to the Love and good intentions of your Creator and Savior.

You also make your share of excuses whenever you shirk your living reality as a disciple of your Lord. Repent. When you tend to your hobbies, homes and possessions instead of attending the Lord's Mass you sin against His love for you. Stop it. When you rely on your own five yoke of self-works, self-discipline, and self- prayer, instead of passively receiving His Mercy on your tongue and in your heart, ask for forgiveness and be set on the Way of Truth. When you consort with a wife or husband to the neglect of your True and Always Spouse, the Christ, or when you whore with pagan prostitutes of false doctrines and heresy, cease this adultery and selfishness and know that your Real Groom, Jesus, takes you back and blots out all your infidelities. He feeds you the vigor of remission and the joy of infinite gladness at His marriage feast.

You were poor in your pride, but at this table you are Kingly.

You were broken in your own body, but at this meal you are glorified in His Body.

You were blind in the devil's lair of despair, but at this Altar you are given sight to behold the Face of God in the presence of The Son. This is the WAY.

"Come for all things are now ready."

In the Name of The Father and + of The Son and of The Holy Ghost