Saint John 8. 48-59

Judica-The Fifth Sunday in Lent: 29 March Anno Domini 2009

Fr Watson SSP

In the Name + of Jesus

Just like the "12" you also are followers of the Master. Just like His first century catechumens you likewise are plagued by your sinful natures. Your trespasses are that inborn "sea anchor" that makes it impossible to sail unencumbered.

Your "old Adams" are every bit as much "enemies" of the Christ, as were the Jews in this morning's text.

The Pharisees hurled vicious insults at Christ. They spitefully intended to wound Him. "You are a Samaritan and have a demon." Those words are tantamount to calling the Prince of Life an illegitimate bastard half-breed in the service of Satan.

Now you don't do that. You never attack the Lord directly like that. You believe that He is the "Son of God," the great "I Am." But your fallen self thinks to itself: "yeah…so what…what has He done for me lately?" You quietly resent Jesus because He hasn't freed you from the ravages of your own squalid daily existence in the trenches. Many of you get actually mad at God because He doesn't grant you your petitions.

There is a bit of "Jew" in all of you; a bit of hypocrite, two-faced, self-righteous, stubborn, mean spirited, vain, ….well, Sinner! And you likewise attack.

Sometimes you attack His "called" representatives; which is easy because they are so incredibly flawed. Sometimes you assault His very Bride Herself-Holy Mother Church-Her doctrines of Sacred Scripture and the evangelical confessional symbols-whenever they run afoul of your modern, democratic, liberated way of thinking. Don't kid yourselves, you bristle under authority, your resent the Patriarchy which He has established and you highly esteem and cling to your own independent autonomy.

But usually you just go after those around you. With ill thoughts, selfish and petty motives, you likewise hurl insults. You lash out both verbally and non-verbally at your wives, husbands, and children. You are nasty and unloving to your brothers and sisters in the faith, particularly if they don't do things and say things the way you want them done. And heaven help those who you dislike to begin with. Jesus died for Socialists and Homosexuals. Jesus bled for one-worlders, re-distributionists and anti-gun people. He expects you to at least love them enough not to hate them and slander them.

Anytime you wound one of His lambs, even one of His goats, with dagger-like thoughts or back-handed deeds, you are wounding Him, spitting on Him, scourging Him, and crowning Him with a circle of thorns.

No…Jesus does not have a demon. You have a demon called the fallen nature of your old self. Your sinner is a nasty beast that needs not to be fed and protected but rather needs to be strangled, put out of its misery and daily drowned in the Truth of the Word. Only the Word made Flesh can vivify your otherwise zombie flesh your walking dead corpse. The truth of the great "I Am" exorcises all of your demons, your legion, with the sacred sign both upon your heads and hearts.

And hear again how your sweet and gentle Lord replies to their bile. He responds calmly and without rancor or bitterness. His response is the believer's response-it is the truth…just the truth of Who He is: the great "I Am." "No, I honor My Father." That is First Commandment compliance pure and simple. And that is where the uncompromising Law condemns you because you do not always honor God.

Oh, you do not openly disbelieve in Him but you often reject the implications of being His followers and His sheep. You often chafe at the aches and pains that come from being shaped in His cruciform. When you do not put Him first you cut Him to the quick. You enjoy being on the heavenly track team but you do everything you can to keep from having to do the wind-sprints and obey the training regimen. And, because left to your own devices, your own will-power and cleverness, you would be as eternally dead as the unbelieving Pharisees, Scribes and Jews, your Lord does not give you a blue-print, a book of methods, or a game-plan of action to take. No, the Lord is a Savior Who actually saves. He gives you a Truth to believe in and a God to be served by. He gives you His Body and Blood to eat and drink.

"Most assuredly I say to you" says Christ "if anyone keeps My Word he shall never see death."

That is the Lord's personal promise to you. If you believe in Him you have eternal life-NOW! Today! This morning! The Holy Ghost in you causes you to guard, keep and observe His Holy Word by faith. You will never die. Yes, physically, your bodily functions may cease for awhile, for a time, for a season, but you will be resurrected perfectly glorious. That is the evangelical Truth. This is not something you do but something you have been cause to believe. You are strengthened and empowered by it all because Jesus is the great "I Am."

They tried to stone Jesus. You too will have stones thrown at you by the world; by the devil's human agents. But you are safely hidden in His holy wounds. Unlike the non-believing Jews, you the New Israel, the adopted children of GOD, do not seek to drive Christ out of the Temple, but rather, in faith, you glory in His drawing you into His new Temple. His eternal Tabernacle/Tent is His Church where you join Him-The Way, The Truth and The Life-in an intimate fellowship and embrace of an even greater Temple-His Body and His Blood.

No jokes, clever stories, or amusing anecdotes are necessary… just Truth-the eternal doctrine-Jesus the great "I Am." For you!

In the Name of The Father and of + The Son and of The Holy Ghost