Saint John 13. 1-15

Maundy Thursday: 13 April Anno Domini 2006

Fr Watson

In the Name + of Jesus

It wasn't the "Last Supper" if by "last" we mean the last time the Lord Christ Jesus would ever feed His disciples His Body and Blood. The same serving up of forgiveness and faith will happen here at this altar in another twenty minutes or so. It wasn't even the last time Jesus would sit down with His followers who were going to eat; witness the Emmaus incident and the shore of Galilee fish fry. Jesus Himself even after His Resurrection would eat broiled fish and honey. "Last" is best used sparingly and only to precisely, in a chronological way, indicate it was the last time Jesus and the "Twelve" would eat the Passover Meal prior to His arrest, trial and crucifixion.

Better to call it the Lord's Supper for it belongs to Him and not to those who wish to change it into an evangelism tool or a sentimental "feel good" basement potluck. Best of all to follow Dr. Luther's lead and refer to it as the Sacrament of the Altar. It is not fast food at the burger joint; it is not a casual gathering around the grill back by the pool; it is not "catching a bite on the run" in order to some place that is really more important to be. It is a "Sacred Act" instituted by God in the flesh to give you His flesh to eat and His blood to drink. It is a "mysterion." It is a miraculous feeding.

That supper in the famed upper room was a Passover Feast. It was comprised of bitter herbs, strong wine, unleavened bread, and roasted lamb. The lamb came from a dead one-year old, unblemished, male, lamb which had been killed with a knife, its blood drained off. The original Passover, instituted by the Lord on the night in which He freed His Children from Egyptian bondage, had a special purpose for the blood which was drained out of the dead lambs. That blood was painted onto the Hebrews by virtue of being painted onto the doors of their houses and homes. That blood, daubed on by hyssop branches marked them as children Redeemed by the Savior to come, chosen elect who would be passed over by the Angel of Death and sparred.

What you are about to eat and drink in a few moments is the exact same thing only even better. You eat not the flesh of a lamb; you eat the Body of Christ Himself, the Lamb of God. You drink not strong wine, you drink the Blood of the Savior Himself, for "in the blood is the Life."

While there are no bitter herbs on the silver paten, you have in effect eaten the bitter fruit of your trespasses and you have already confessed your foul sins in thought, word and deed. Your spiritual tears have been wept during your confession.

You fellow prodigals have been awakened by the Word of the Father. You have realized that by yourselves, of yourselves, you would only starve to death in the foreign land of demons; naked, impotent, and blind. Like the returned prodigal, you have been embraced by your loving Father, adorned in the robes of His dear Son, Who turns out to be the very fatted calf, slain for the return meal of celebration thrown in your honor and for your needs of nourishment.

The meal laid out for your benefit comes from the old covenant completed in the Lamb Himself, in His God/Man body on the Cross. The old covenant came to an end on the fateful night in the upper room. The Passover was to take on new and eternal significance as Jesus took bread and wine and spoke those consecratory words over humble elements. In Genesis when the Lord made a covenant with Father Abraham He caused the sacrificial animal to be cut into two pieces; the bloody parts laid on the ground a few paces apart. In most two-sided covenants (i.e. contracts or agreements) the two parties to the promise would then walk between the sliced pieces binding themselves to fulfillment of the covenant upon like sentence of death for non-compliance. With Abraham's covenant, the Patriarch though put into a condition of drowsiness was still able to witness the Lord Himself, and only Himself, in the image of a "smoking pot" moving between the bloody animal parts. The Lord God made His promise to His people. He and only He would fulfill His covenant of love and deliverance. But it wouldn't be an animal cut in two; it wouldn't be a little white fuzzy sheep's throat which would be cut; it would be the dear Rabbi from Nazareth. In order to save you His true sheep from the wolf and from the stone altar of sacrifice, Jesus the Shepherd became the sacrificial lamb; He let the satanic wolf rip Him in to Him. Him, you eat and drink!

It is a special meal; the most special dining experience you will ever have. All are welcome, if they are His bride, for it is a nuptial meal, a wedding feast, an intimate communion of Lord and Lady, i.e. "Church."

On the night He was betrayed He took the bread and gave it to His disciples, those who confessed the truth, all the truth, which He had taught them. He the Groom was feeding His bride not wedding cake, but forgiveness, life, and immortality. He took the cup and invited their deep draughts of His Blood of the New Testament. They ate and drank of the very Body and Blood which would soon hang on the cross for their Redemption. You are about to receive the very same pledge of what the Savior has already given and shed for your redemption; and for you being cleansed and made a pure, spotless and virginal Bride.

Jesus washing the filthy feet of the "Twelve" that night, continues this very evening as He again washes you off and makes you perfect, immaculate and without blemish in the eyes of your Father.

Yes, He would get up from table that night so long ago, and walk out with His own into the night of betrayal, agony and death. He would pay for your meal of Life with His death. And yes, you will have to get up from this Sacred Altar and go back outside into the darkness of your trials and burdens; you will yet have to face many more Good Fridays before coming to the Final Resurrection Day. But for now, for this most holy Thursday, this meal is enough, this Supper is God for you, Christ in you; this Feast is your glorious wedding day with God all over again.

In the Name + of Jesus