The I AM

Saint John 8. 46-59

Judica - The Fifth Sunday In Lent 13 March Anno Domini 2005

Fr Watson

In the Name of The Father and of The Son + and of The Holy Ghost

Your own sinful self does indeed try to convict Jesus of sin. Justification is trying to be justified, right, in our own eyes and in the eyes of those observing. Anything done apart from the Grace and Mercy of the Savior is what we call "self-justification." These are lies and delusions whether prayed by the Rich Man in the Temple, spoken by the Pharisee Simon at the dinner table, listed by the Rich Young Ruler as he recounted his "obedience," or protested by all of you when your wills are thwarted.

In our text, the imbroglio flared up when the Christ had dared speak the truth of Light to those in dark blindness. The Jews were greatly scandalized that Jesus presumed to give them all a proper interpretation of Abrahams' purpose and significance in God's Kingdom plan. The Jews were likewise angered that Jesus dared interpret Moses, not as the end of God's counsel, but rather as an incomplete pre-cursor, a first-step pointing to the true Messiah. The Jews were unbelievers in the Holy God they so furiously sought to propagate and defend.

They did not know they were sinners. They did not believe they needed to repent. They believed in the Law that wasn't the Law. The Commandments of God were not given to create secure and satisfied hypocrites. The Tables of Death were given to convict and slay the old Adam. Abraham as Abraham was nothing. Being related to Abraham by blood, if that's all one could claim, was totally worthless. Deluding oneself into thinking that the 10 Commandments were being complied with is fatal phantasm.

Our sinful self does try to convict Jesus of sin in that we become angry and indignant with God that He doesn't do things our way. We second guess Him, we argue with Him, we rail against Him and offer Him suggestions and criticisms as if He were our butler rather than our Creator, Sustainer and King. We call Him on the carpet daily with our bitching and whining. We don't always believe in Him, His promises, His guarantees because we don't have patience, maturity, endurance born of struggle. We don't always believe Him because WE, are no damn good; WE really are pathetic, pampered, prissy Pharisees.

The fight the Jews were having with Jesus was over the First Commandment (as are all battles with God over the First Commandment). The Jews were very "religious" as are all faithful Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, and false teachers, whether they are called President, Pastor, Mission Executive or long time associate. Being religious and motivated, and earnest for action, zealous for conservatism, or ablaze for the "system" will all be great topics to discuss for eternity in hell. Worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve. The Lord is One. The Lord has revealed His essence in Three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Jesus is the Word of God in the Flesh. No one comes to the Father but by the Son. Jesus is God of God, the Messiah.

This episode in John chapter 8 was an "original Yankee stadium affair" a proto-"My Synod-Right-Or-Wrong" embarrassment. No, the Pharisees were not worshipping along side Sikhs, but they were not worshipping the true God either. The Jews were worshipping themselves. The Jews were paying obeisance to their wants, needs, egos, and had elevated Abraham and Moses to near deified positions. The Jews had begun praying to their laws, traditions and rituals rather than to the Lord Who had saved them. They did not hear, obey, or trust in the Promise of Messiah. They did not see the Light sent into their darkness. Face to face with God in the flesh they refused their rescue.

Although the art of apologetics is salutary, with even Saint Paul utilizing such God-given sanctified logic, our Lord here doesn't resort to complicated argument with unbelief. He basically calls them all children of the devil: "he who is of God, hears God's word; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God." Not very "seeker sensitive" was He? But instead of letting this stinging, yet proper, rebuke work upon their hardened hearts, the Jews simply attacked back with blasphemy: "You are a Samaritan and have a demon." They were saying essentially, you nameless person are illegitimate in paternity and with regards to the Covenant of Israel. They were calling Jesus a physical bastard and a spiritual bastard. They also called him demonically possessed. There is one interesting thing to note here. We can't all get along. If truth is truth then the obverse must be error, must be false. If God is true then that which disagrees with God's Word must be false and of Satan. Not all roads lead to heaven. Not all religions are true; only one.

To believe in your heart and to confess with your tongue (and your actions and works which will flow from your lips' words as well) is what is done by Christians in the face of evil, unbelief, blasphemy, and all Pharisaical hypocrisy, especially our own. Not your own words, your own perceptions, your own empirical observations, but God's revealed Word. This Word is uncovered for you in Holy Scriptures and in the Holy Sacrament.

He looked liked a 33 year old Galilean carpenter. He hadn't been schooled in the best of the Jerusalem "academies." Everyone knew He was "illegitimate" and spent most of His time with fishermen, political zealots, whores, cripples, women and children. Science, reason, logic, and sense would tell one this was no Son of mighty King David, this was no Messiah. Only the Word can cut through the layers of devilish deception.

"Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM" Jesus speaks His Name, for in His Name is His essence, reality, and power. His name means He is the same undivided essence, the same fiery Deity Who spoke to Moses from the burning bush, the same Creator of the Cosmos and Deliverer of the Israelites from Egypt.

His Jewish enemies would not call Him by His given name, Jesus. They refused to believe that He was the greater Joshua, the long promised Messiah. And that day, they also sought to destroy Him when He spoke His other ancient and eternal name.

Both names are your names for the One who holds them is with you, in you, and for you. He created you and will never leave you for He is always I AM. With the name Jesus you are privileged to talk and listen and share and partake of the God Who is now no longer just Spirit and Truth, but also Spirit, Truth, Light and Life in the Flesh. Now He remains forever your Jesus, the God/Man with real Flesh and Blood. His Name Jesus always gospels to you His perfect life of obedience to the Laws which you break. His Name Jesus always gives you the good news of His bitter passion and death on Calvary as your substitute. His Name gives you Him. His Name is His Work and Life, and now becomes your life, your forgiveness, and your peace.

In the Name of I AM

In the Name of Jesus

In the Name of the Father and of the Son + and of the Holy Ghost