Saint Matthew 11. 2-10

Gaudete - The Third Sunday of Advent:11 December Anno Domini 2005

Fr Watson

In the Name of + Jesus

Why do you need to be reminded to REJOICE during Adventide?

You're sinful humans; given to despair. Life is hard; solitary, nasty, brutish and short (if your old natures have anything to say about it). Your old "Adams" live by sight (feelings, proof) not faith. You are born heretical theologians of "self," and practitioners of a "Theology of Glory."

The Blessed Virgin Mary is a shining example of rejoicing in the Lord, her Son, but Her Savior and her God. You sing along with her, whenever you sing her most beautiful song of Rejoicing, the Magnificat. Saint Joseph like his beloved wife, like Simeon and Anna, and the shepherds and the Magi, all rejoiced in the Word Made Flesh. They believed the Word, the Scriptures, and the Prophets even when their eyes told them something else.

The Prophets!

John was he whom Christ called the "greatest of men." This last of the Prophets, this first of the Apostles, this "hinge" of the two testaments of the Word, is known singularly by the name of one of God's own Sacraments: Saint John the Baptizer.

John was in prison for preaching the Word of God. He wasn't incarcerated for doing good works or for being civilly righteous. He most assuredly wasn't "nice." He was intolerant when it came to error, falsehood and idolatry. He wouldn't have prayed with Sikhs, and Moslems.

John was about to lose his life because He feared God more than man. He had confronted King Herod about his fornication and adultery; about his lack of belief.

John was a sinner just like you. John's two disciples were also sinners. Whether he, or they, or both of them needed reassurance... is open to some debate. The answer may simply be "yes." Do you sin? Do you fall into doubt and weak faith? Do you crave a life of glory, success, ease and visible, quantifiable, verifiable proof of God's existence and working (always good and uplifting, never chastising or difficult) in your life? Yes! Lord have Mercy. The Word does give Mercy. The Word works repentance in you.

When the faithful come to Christ for aid, comfort and succor, what are they given? Are you provided with an iron-clad guarantee of riches, long earthly lives filled with earthly victories, healthy and handsome children, acceptance and adulation by the world and your peers? No.

You receive the Word; and only The Word. The Word of what the Christ has done! The Word of What Christ is! The Word made flesh in your midst.

Sin has blinded you. Some are born blind; some are blinded by disease or accident. All are born spiritually blind. Jesus alone is your sight, and He gives the light to you to see Him. He became "blind" in death itself on the cross so that you would have perfect vision forever; not just 20/20 vision, but "now/not yet" vision; so that you would have "life and salvation" vision.

Sin had made you lame and leprous. Yes, you may have the physical stamina and athleticism of an "Olympian", for a while, in your day. "All flesh is as grass, And all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, And its flower falls away." [1 Peter 1.24] You will grow old and brittle. You will be lame (broken hips, "Parkinson's," wheelchairs). But the Apostle goes on to preach your comfort, your reason for rejoicing: "But the Word of the Lord endures forever."

You may not have leprosy, but you understand the decaying of all flesh whenever you look into the mirror after gazing at photographs of a younger you. Jesus alone is your vigor, strength, straightness, vitality and pure eternal flesh. His body broken for you so that you would not remain fractured. His skin, His body, pierced and shredded for you; drained for you, so that your skin, your body, would be raised incorruptible, glorified and perfect.

He did what had to be done. He kept the Law. He went to the tree to die as your stand-in. Did He? Did He really" "[Was He] the coming One, or do we look for another?"

You receive the Word; and only the Word. The Word of what the Christ has done! You receive His very Sacramental Presence, but veiled under the "humility of the cross;" hidden to the eyes by the earthly "means" which only faith appropriates. You are like John.

The Baptist didn't see any of the miracles. John didn't witness Jesus' death and resurrection. He was given the Word: "Go and tell John the things which you hear and see." They did. Was it really for the Baptist's benefit, or was it for theirs, the two disciples?" Or is recorded for your benefit? Yes.

You, brothers and sisters, receive what God wants you to have. You, Saints and New Creations are given what Jesus the God/Man freely showers upon you. You are made the possessors of all that He accomplished in keeping the Law of the Father (every "jot" and every "tittle"); you are given all the credit. You are made the very earthly tabernacles of all that He purchased and won for you upon Calvary's altar; from this altar and this pulpit you have the very Body and Blood of Jesus; the Word and the Word made flesh.

From this Holy Sanctuary, this humble chancel, one can see the "Kingdom of Grace" in all its simple splendor. The blind see! The lame walk! The lepers are cleansed. The deaf hear. The dead have been raised in the baptismal waters + of re-birth. The poor have the good news of Jesus Christ preached to them.

"And blessed are you who are not offended because of Him."

In the Name of The Father and of The Son + and of The Holy Ghost