Saint Matthew 9.1-8

The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity: 17 October Anno Domini 2004

Fr Watson

In the Name of Jesus

The problem is not that we don't believe in God. The problem is that we don't like the way God does things. The criticisms that we harbor are not that God is too strong, too glorious and awesome; the complaints are that He behaves too silently and meekly. We don't like a hidden God that can't be better utilized, or manipulated, to suit our needs, wants and lusts. Oh yes, yes, Jesus suffered for our sins and died upon the cross, but now that "that" is all behind us WHY must we still suffer? We are offended and "put upon" and angered at times that we must live lives filled with temptations, deep ravines of repetitive chronic sins, set-backs, diseases, deaths, and, and SILENCE. God doesn't talk to us the way we "think" we would like Him to. We're still just like our first parents, we think God is "holding out on us," not letting us in on the Glory, Growth, Power and Success. We're just like the citizens of Nazareth as well. We know this Jesus; He's been with us our whole lives also. Why doesn't He do more for us when we really need Him to? Why don't we have some physical miracles when we so desperately cry out for aid and assistance?

It wasn't that the Scribes did not believe in God. They did... after a fashion. It was not that the Scribes wanted bad things to happen to the paralytic on the bed... they didn't. The sin of the Scribes is that they didn't like the way God was doing things. In fact, they disbelieved that God would do things the way Jesus was teaching. The Scribes believed that God could forgive sins. They did not believe God did through the "agency" of a traveling carpenter's son. The Scribes believed sins could be atoned for, but maybe not by or for a loathsome cripple, who no doubt was deserving of his palsy because of the quantity and quality of his sins. The Scribes did not understand God. They did not know Grace; love for the unlovable. They did not appreciate that the Lord works by Mercy and Forgiveness not by the discipline and works of themselves.

Get in line. American Christians of all denominations and stripes have no problem talking about God, although they seem more interested in talking about themselves. But when they opine on the Lord's person and attributes they talk more about how powerful He is rather than how sacrificial He was. Why is it that they (and we) love to hear about Him riding on an ass, but we don't want Him riding into our lives in similar humble and un-ostentatious ways. There is no God but the God/Man Jesus Christ. There is no salvation outside His pure Body and precious Blood. He chooses to deliver His forgiveness, life and strength via the seemingly week conduits of preaching, washing in water, and eating and drinking.

Lutheran pastors offend more visiting protestant relatives when they speak the words of absolution found at page 16 of our hymnals than with anything else they say and do.

Jesus knew about that kind of indignation. "This man blasphemes." But He did not. The God/Man Christ Jesus and no other Saves. He saves by forgiving sins. He saves by keeping the Law spotlessly perfect. He saves with His Body and Blood. He is God and there is none other.

Which is it easier to say: I forgive you all your sins, or you're healed? Or better yet, which is it easier to do, forgive sins or to make well? It is obviously the latter in both instances. Doctors successfully treat conditions, ailments and illnesses all the time. Many sick are cured or placed into remission. Whereas Sin kills every time; the recovery rate on this planet for sin is zero percent.

Had Jesus simply been a charlatan or a demonic magician, He would have healed the man with a big fan-fare and some razzle-dazzle self aggrandizement. But He did not. Our Lord knew why that man was a paralytic, and why all of us are spiritually paralyzed as well---sin. The God of creation looked down at one of his broken mutilated little creatures, and felt nothing but love, pity and mercy. Jesus gave the man something so precious that it cost Jesus His own life. His own body broken and paralyzed in death and His own blood shed in suffering and agony. "Son, be of good cheer, your sins are forgiven you."

Only God can forgive sins; the Scribes were correct. Only Jesus is God in the Flesh sent to do just that; here the Scribes were wrong; and here too are all the sects wrong, they that deny that the Lord still forgives sins through the fleshly and earthly means of Grace appointed by Him, given by Him to His Bride, and administered on behalf of His Lambs by His under-shepherds.

Sons and daughters, be of good cheer, your sins are forgiven you

In the Name of The Father and of The Son + and of The Holy Ghost