Saint Luke 2. 34-35

The Sunday after Christmas: 26 December Anno Domini 2004

Fr Watson

In the Name of + Jesus

Put Christ back in "Christ-Mass?" yes. But the Mass, the Divine Service, is that God took on flesh to be our servant not our emotional "blankie." Sentimental "Norman Rockwell" Christmases are pretty, but they're not historical, Scriptural, or true. The real "reason for the season" is that you can't nail to the tree a spirit; you need flesh and blood to pin to wood. God became man to die; for the Jews, for the Gentiles, for you.

When you sing the Nunc Dimittis later in the Mass, you again are one with Simeon and all the Saints who have seen the Lord. You see Him not in his straw-filled manger but in His Supper. You hold him not in your hands as did Simeon, but you hold Him in your ears, and upon your tongues, that He might wind up in your souls. Simeon could bless the holy couple for the same reason a pastor can chant to you the Benediction, God's Peace is with you. The Christ, though small and helpless, was with the carpenter and his wife. The Christ, though invisible to your eyes, is with you.

Simeon said that the Babe was destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel. Falling and rising pretty well describes your daily walk. You sin because of what you are; the Serving Savior forgives you because of what He IS, and what He DID; He did it not so much in the wood of the cradle as in the wood of the tree. Hannah sang of this rising and falling: "The bows of the mighty men are broken. And those who stumbled are girded with strength. Those who were full have hired themselves out for bread, and those who were hungry have ceased to hunger...the Lord kills and makes alive; He brings down to the grave and brings up. The Lord makes poor and makes rich; He brings low and lifts up. He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the beggar from the ash heap, to set them among princes and make them inherit the throne of glory." [1 Sam. 2.4-6; 6-8]

To be sure, the Law crushes all for there is no one that does good. But while the Law crushes God's called children for the purpose of repentance and New-Life, those who remain obdurate in their rejection of Him are ground to dust upon the stumbling stone.

Christ was "destiny" to those who remained His enemies, as He was "destiny" to those who were brought to repentance and belief. Jesus was the "fall" of the Sadducees, Pharisees, and Scribes. Jesus was the "rising" of the lame, deaf, blind, palsied, demon-possessed, sexually fallen, and sinfully unclean. The Law of God is your "falling;" wherein you drown your sins everyday in your Holy Baptisms. The good news of Jesus' life and death for you is your "rising;" wherein His Presence in you lifts you up into the Father's arms. The Lord had the Blessed Virgin herself echo Hannah's song, when she chanted her Magnificat: "He has scattered the proud in the imaginations of their hearts. He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent empty away." [Lk. 1.51b-53]

This Babe, this Man, this God, is a "sign" Who is spoken against. He wasn't persecuted for healing people; He was attacked for ignoring their understanding of God's Sabbath. He wasn't criticized for feeding people, He was conspired against because of Who He intimated He must be: "The Jews then murmured against Him because He said, 'I Am the bread which came down from heaven.'" [Jn. 6.41] Give us a sign the Jews demanded; they wanted it their way. "Lord just give me this or that or (fill in the blank with whatever you've demanded from God), just give me a sign." What the Jews meant, and what we mean, is, Jesus, be powerful and glorious and flashy, and big, and sovereign, and at my command. There will be no sign said Christ save the "sign of Jonah." No sign but the suffering servant Who let Himself be buried. No sign save the Blood-drenched crucifix. No sign other than the simple Gospel, the Scandal of Calvary and the Faith of the empty tomb.

That's why the Nativity of our Lord has such meaning. The Christ-Mass is the manifestation of God in the Flesh, which couldn't really be seen then, except by faith. Today the same Christ-Mass is the manifestation of God in the Flesh, for you, which is received only by faith. That's the sign you lift up high. It's not a corporate or nationalistic flag; it's not an Imperial Roman Legion Labarum with a golden eagle atop; it's the cross, it's the bowed and bruised body of the Savior of the Nations.

Troops are rallied for the fight ahead, or the battle they already find themselves enmeshed, in when see the "colors" flying. So too with you Christian Soldiers. Paul knows the "sign" you are under: "... Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness, but to those who are called,...Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God." [1 Cor. 1.23-24]

He came down to be lifted up: "...as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up." [Jn. 3.14] And Jesus said: "If I AM lifted up from the earth, I will draw all peoples to Myself." [Jn. 12.32]

And He does. He has called you by the Gospel. But not Good News spoken once two millennia ago and now left as a dusty sclerotic memory; but Good News, spoken to you every day, every Lord's Day. The final words of Simeon contain the answer: "yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also, that the hearts of many may be revealed." God's mother is unique and blessed in many ways, but in her sorrow and anguish she too stands almost pre-eminent. The mother witnessed the torture death of her dear Son; she saw the Roman thrust her child through with the spear (the sword). But she wasn't alone...for the Groom is never without His Bride. The Apostle whom Jesus loved was with Mary. Jesus gave His mother to John as a "picture" of How He gives His church to the caring and guardianship of His Apostolic Word. This Word of lowliness, of death on a cross, of being stewarded by the Gospel of Resurrection and Forgiveness entrusted to the Apostolic Band on behalf of the Lady---this does reveal the hearts of many.

In the Name of The Father and of The Son + and of The Holy Ghost