Saint John 16.5-15

Cantate: 9 May Anno Domini 2004

Fr Watson

In the Name of Him Who is The Way, The Life, and THE TRUTH

It is all about Faith. It is hard to "understand." It is good that no one is called to understand or explain but rather simply to trust and confess. This is the mysterious thing about believing. Yes, one can believe that the grass is green. One can believe that their mother loves them. The former can be demonstrated empirically by looking out the window. The latter can't be proven by the 5 senses at all, but is concluded in the heart. Yes, your mother can do "things," act in ways that show love towards you. But, even were she in an iron-lung, paralyzed and mute, you could still believe she loved you. Try explaining that to someone who doesn't believe. You can tell them, but you can't make them understand. It's tough to believe when you don't believe. In fact, it's impossible. Faith is a gift. When you've got it; you've got it. You were given the gift to know your Mama loves you because you are from her. She gave you birth without your cooperation. She raised you, nourished you, cleaned you, and clothed you. She taught you. You "carry her" (as well as your dear Dad) in your very genetic makeup. Likewise, only those born of God can believe in God. "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His Name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God" [Jn.1. 12-13] One doesn't "will" faith to come into existence any more than the pile of logs "will" themselves to become a camp fire. There is outside action upon the inert and dead.

"No one can come to Me" said Jesus, no one can believe in Me, "unless the Father Who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day." [Jn. 6.44]

Since only Jesus can give you Faith to trust in Him above all things; to believe in what He has done for you. One must have the Lord come to them and give them...well, Himself. Jesus must find you, come right up to you, and give you Jesus.

Jesus is the Word of God. Jesus is the "actor" in relation to His creatures and His creation. The Father is the First Person of the Holy Trinity, but He is veiled spirit. He chooses to send His only begotten Son into the flesh to be the perfect revelation of His, of the Trinity's, Love and Grace. Jesus is the enfleshed God.

If one is to be saved from eternal death and the torments of hell, one needs the real Jesus; the total and genuine "in-the-flesh" Incarnated God/Man. Here is where God's economy of salvation shows forth in a mysterious and yet wonderful way. The "Word" of God, which is Jesus, the Son, is the same as the "Words " of God; the "Words" of Jesus, the holy Scriptures. They are co-terminus, each bringing the other. If you have the Word made Flesh, the bodily Christ, then you most assuredly will have His holy words; His teachings and doctrines and Gospel message. And, if you have His life giving Scriptures, the written words of His hand-picked patriarchs, kings, prophets, evangelists, and apostles, you have Him. You never have one without the other.

The Apostle writes to the Romans: " then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God..."[Rom 10.17] Which Word? Jesus or the Scriptures? YES

The Good News in the flesh; Jesus Christ crucified for you on Calvary, dying for your sins, paying for your lawlessness AND the Good News in words, in the message telling you what He did 2000 years ago, are linked together as well. When you have one you have the other.

This is why Jesus ascends to the Father. This is why Jesus steps out of the realm of the "visible" into the shadows of Glory. Jesus could have remained on earth visible to all forever and ever. He could have continued to walk around everywhere telling of His Calvary Victory and dispensing the same life-giving words as before. Saving many. Saving ALL, had He chosen to force people to believe by irresistible power. But, as the writer to the Hebrews instructs us, one does not have faith in what one can see. Faith is the evidence of things unseen. Sin demands proof. The Greeks seek wisdom, the Jews demand miracles... but we preach Christ crucified. We put forth the words which bring the Word Himself. And then, the Holy Ghost does the rest.

Our "old adam" makes us "dirt people." It keeps our eyes downcast staring only at the muddy ground; the dust of only created "things." Sinful nature is only satisfied by visual confirmation; only content with the glory of the provable.

Jesus goes back to the Father and sends to us the Helper. This Helper is no mere associate or assistant. The Helper is God the Holy Ghost. Jesus called Himself, "The Way, the Life, and THE TRUTH." Now He calls the Holy Ghost the "Spirit of Truth." The Holy Ghost is God, but He is also the "wind of Truth; the breath of Truth." He delivers the Christ as the forgiving breeze of the Father. The Holy Ghost both convicts and bestows righteousness. He both gives the Law of God and the Forgiveness and Mercy of Jesus. He gives Jesus in the bodily flesh and blood. The Spirit blows from the Father and the Son and carries Jesus who is THE LIFE onto, into, through, and around that lifeless pile of wood and tinder. The Holy Ghost blows on the "spark" of Jesus and kindles the hearts to the "flame" of belief and faith. With faith, you now "see" with the "new mans' eyes" the vision of the hitherto hidden things of God.

Yes the disciples were sad. They sorrowed in their hearts over the impending absence of the visible, touchable, hearable Jesus. As do we. We would love to have Him walk with us, talk to us, eat & drink with us. We crave being able to see Him smile; to see the twinkle in His eyes and hear the soothing love in His voice. Yes there is a vague sense of "heart-sickness" over the separation of true lovers. We feel that we are just not complete, that everything isn't what is what was meant to be. Things aren't right yet.

Thank God, Jesus sends us the Spirit. For we still live here in the broken world of sin, earthly death and decay. Life remains a "Now....NOT YET" existence even for believers. We know our Sins are forgiven. We trust our Lord's words about eternity. But we're not there.. .yet. Heaven is our home, but the closing date is still off in the future. Close, but not yet.

So, in this arid desert of sand and heat we are grateful for the daily and weekly gifts of God. We are blessed that our great Helper brings relief by bringing Jesus. The relief on a hot August Kansas day that is brought by a cooler and pleasant wind from the north-east... a wind that almost "smells" as if Autumn is coming, points to the relief that the Paraclete sends in His continually fresh presence of the breath of Christ.

"He takes what is mine and declares it to you" says Jesus. What is it that belongs to Jesus? Christ's possessions are: forgiveness of sins, life, peace, joy, a love for His lambs, the steadfastness to endure in the Faith unto the end. These are the Lords' which He gives to you by the Spirit. The Helper declares them to you. The Greek word for declare has the same root as the word for evangel. The Holy Ghost "gospels" Jesus to you. He "good news'" Jesus into your hearts and souls.

In your Bibles, in the Absolution that was spoken to you earlier, in the on-going and ever durable workings of your Baptism, and in the Meal of Christ's Body and Blood... the Spirit is active.</.p>

The Spirit brings you Jesus. You have your Lord.

Oh, sing unto the Lord a new song: for He hath done marvelous things.

In the Name of The Father and of The Son + and of The Holy Ghost