Saint Luke 14: 1-11

17th Sunday after Trinity: 8 October Anno Domini 2017

Father Jay Watson SSP

In The Name + of Jesus

It always comes to pass that The Lord visits the house of a chief Pharisee. That is why He visits you. Your old Adam is a chief Pharisee. Pharisees can be Christians. That is, sinners, must be constantly reminded of their hypocrisy: Repent and Believe thunders John the Baptist, and likewise speaks the Savior!

Don’t focus on the healing of the man with dropsy—the paralytic, be he suffering from cerebral palsy spasms, spinal cord damage, or demonic possession. Jesus can and did smash all these enemies to pieces like the tiny and insignificant brood of vipers that they were.  But this time (like all Christ’s healings) served the singular purpose of showing, demonstrating, and Gospelling to the crowd that witnessed the miracle, that it was a “sign” that The Kingdom of Heaven was at hand…had come in the very flesh; that Messiah was God. This healing of the dropsy man is promised to you in Jesus’ Word of forgiveness and loosing: “for where there is the forgiveness of sins there is also life, and salvation.” It is guaranteed, signed, sealed, and delivered, in His very precious Blood shed for you on the tree and given to your lips this morning from His Holy Chalice.

But don’t go looking for miraculous physical healing for the diseases that afflict you and your loved ones…that have claimed your loved ones. The Lord gives you through earthly “means” advanced scientific medical care, powerful pharmaceuticals (some even marginally safe) and centuries of homeopathic and wise natural palliatives.  You may be healed and cured. You probably won’t be. You will die.  Satan’s lies, his lie, is that you can still “be like God,” that you can still thrive and prosper and live…forever…without God if you’ve just got enough money, science, technology, blah, blah, blah!

Satan is the ultimate politician, the true corrupt mayor of earth’s Chicago’s: he never lets an opportunity go to waste to pull you away from “fearing, loving, and trusting” in God above all things.  He convinces fallen man to trust in government (in men) to keep them safe and thriving. No. Government can’t keep you safe from bullets raining down from on high or from hurricanes blowing all that you have away. Only Jesus heals dropsy…and He may never heal yours in the “here and now.”  You’re not made Saints to be comfortable or successful. You’re made His disciples to be His disciples…Martyrs, witnesses, cross bearers sharing Him and what He has done.  Your reward will come soon enough.

The Holy Spirit smacks your arrogance right off your face/your body, and then gently turns your gaze to Jesus—The sweet Gospel lifts your eyes up to the content of said Evangel and you behold Christ Crucified for you—Christ taking the lowest room for you.

No one is worthy of a seat at The Lord’s Table. The person who’s been a faithful Lutheran all their life is not worthy; neither is the person who’s read the Book of Concord or memorized the Small Catechism, served faithfully in every parish servant event, prayed hours a day, visited the sick and dying.  No parishioner, no pastor, no Apostle, no Prophet, not even the Blessed Lady—Theotokos, herself, is worthy of the “highest room,”   which is, a place, a seat, of peace and joy at the Wedding Banquet of The Lamb.   

The King of Creation, The Creator of not just the Cosmos but of time and matter itself…descended to the lowest room.  He Who fed on Trinitarian love and discourse deigned to eat at His Virgin Mother’s breast.  He Who ate the Love of The Godhead in the presence of The Host of Sabaoth descended to the lowest room of the desert to fast without any food, surrounded by wild beasts and infernal demons. Jesus let His Body and Blood, His Life, Love, and Soul be taken to the depths of suffering, death, and hell, that you this day would again be exalted at His Father’s right hand, The Son’s side.  It is time for the higher Feast, dear fellow Priests of Christ’s Royalty—Christ taking the lowest room for you.

In the Name of the Father and + of the Son and of The Holy Ghost



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